Sunday, 27 January 2008

Depth of My Love...

There's no better day
to tell you how much
I love you.
But how can I express
the depth of my emotion?
How can I begin to
convey how you're
the warmth that tingles inside me
and the spark of life in my soul?
How can I explain the way
your warmth sneaks into my heart
every time I think of you
or hear your voice?
How can I describe the
paradise I visit
each time I'm with you?
How can I tell you how
beautiful you are
when you're more stunning
than a garden full of red roses?
I can't.
There's no way to put what
I feel for you into words.
I can only say that I love you,
but the depth of my devotion
is something I must show you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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